Hormone replacement therapy Lea County, NM - Revive Hormones

Why HRT Matters

HRT makes use of bioidentical hormones - made from plant sources and molecularly identical to the ones our bodies produce - to restore optimal levels. It can bring dramatic relief when hormones fall out of balance due to aging or other issues.

Importance of Hormones

Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA have wide-ranging impacts on our mental and physical health. When levels drop or shift, it can negatively affect:

Balanced hormones are crucial at any stage of maturity. Declining production should prompt medical attention and evaluation for HRT.

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Risks of Imbalance

Leaving hormone issues unchecked is associated with short- and long-term risks like:

Furthermore, low testosterone in men is linked to loss of motivation, reduced competitiveness and self-confidence, and loss of interest in activities.

Clearly, supporting healthy hormonal balance should be a top health priority!

Common Causes of Hormone Deficiency

There are several reasons why hormones decline, shift, or become imbalanced. Being aware of these can help identify issues early.


Aging naturally alters hormones in both genders. After age 30, most adults will experience some degree of drop-off, continuing into older age. Genetics and lifestyle choices influence the rate of decline.


Menopause is the main cause of hormone changes in women. As the ovaries prepare to stop releasing eggs, production of estrogen and progesterone shifts dramatically. Perimenopause can start up to 10 years before menopause.

Medical Conditions

Certain illnesses and medical treatments impact hormone production, like chronic illnesses, pituitary gland disorders, and cancer treatment.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Factors like high body fat, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, chronic stress, and lack of physical activity accelerate age-related hormone deficiency.

Restore your balance with bioidentical hormone therapy.

Recognizing Hormone Imbalance Signs

In the early stages of shifting hormone levels, symptoms may be subtle. But over time, declining production can lead to significant effects on quality of life.

Be aware of these common signs of low testosterone, estrogen, or progesterone:

Physical Symptoms

Mood Changes

Sexual Function Issues

If you regularly experience these symptoms, consult your doctor about testing your hormone levels. Addressing deficiencies early provides the best chance to regain optimal wellness.

Testing Lab Work for HRT

Comprehensive lab testing is needed to accurately assess hormone balance and determine if HRT is recommended.

Initial baseline labs typically include:

Follow-up tests may check:

Testing should assess hormone levels and ratios for a complete picture. An experienced hormone specialist can best interpret your labs.

Diagnosing Andropause and Menopause

Andropause refers to declining testosterone in aging men. Symptoms are often wrongly attributed merely to normal aging.

In women, menopause is diagnosed following 12 consecutive months without a period (amenorrhea). Perimenopausal shifts can precede this by years.

Testing charts the transition and guides appropriate treatment.

Choosing the Best HRT Protocol

HRT is customized based on your lab results, medical history, symptoms, stage of life, treatment goals, and preferences. There are excellent options to conveniently restore optimal hormone levels.

Hormone Replacement Delivery Methods

HRT bioidentical hormones can be administered via:

Method Details Frequency
Oral capsules Swallowed pills, fastest acting Daily
Sublingual Dissolve under tongue Daily
Topical gels Apply to skin Daily
Creams Apply to skin 1-2x daily
Injections Into muscle/fat Weekly or longer
Pellet implants Inserted under skin, slow-release Every 3-6 months

Discuss benefits, downsides, and convenience with your hormone doctor to choose your optimal protocol. Most start with daily or weekly options.

Estrogen HRT Options

Estrogen HRT options include:

The optimal blend balances the benefits of different estrogens.

Estrogen is only given with progesterone or a progestin to avoid uterine cancer risk for women with a uterus.

Testosterone HRT Options

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone for both biological genders. Treatment can take many forms:

Discussing lifestyle, activity levels, treatment goals and preferences with your hormone doctor identifies the optimal form.

Monitoring with lab tests during the first months helps finalize an ideal regimen. Adjustments to dose or delivery method can maximize benefits while mitigating side effects.

Importance of Balance with Estrogen

Women need testosterone too - just a fraction of men's levels. Testosterone HRT often accompanies estrogen to relieve menopausal symptoms.

However, too much suppresses estrogen's cardioprotective effects. Experienced hormone specialists carefully balance dosing.

Restore hormone balance. Consult your doctor today.

Realizing the Benefits of HRT

Once established on HRT, most start noticing positive changes within days to weeks as cells receive the needed chemical signals again.

Symptom Relief

Balancing hormones alleviates unwanted symptoms making you feel like yourself again.

Men may experience renewed energy, motivation and drive, easier fat loss, and increased muscle mass and strength. Mentally testosterone enhances focus, mood, confidence, competitiveness and temperament. And sexual symptoms like low libido, erectile dysfunction and reduced sensitivity alleviate.

In women, estrogen and/or testosterone therapy commonly improves hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal atrophy symptoms, urinary issues, bone loss risk, skin changes, mental fog and mood issues.

Progesterone restores normal periods, offers mood support, aids sleep and temperature regulation, and protects uterine and breast tissues among other benefits.

Lower Disease Risk

HRT provides additional long-term benefits:

Altogether HRT sustains health and vitality through the years.

Anti-Aging Effects

Balanced hormones serve anti-aging purposes - preserving tissue and organ function and keeping risks low for longer. This translates into promoting active longevity and compressing late-stage frailty and illness.

Testosterone specifically acts as a protective "longevity hormone" in both men and women to promote resilience and extended healthspan.

Via diverse mechanisms, HRT may help slow aspects of the aging process. Ongoing research continues to uncover anti-aging benefits.

Caring and Convenient

The hormone balance experts at Revive Hormones offer cutting-edge therapies tailored to your unique needs.

Why Choose Revive Hormones?

What sets Revive Hormones apart includes:

Dr. Smith, founder of Revive Hormones, has over 15 years' experience using HRT to help patients address signs of hormonal aging.

Getting Started at Revive Hormones

It's easy to take charge of your hormone health with Revive Hormones.

Steps include:

  1. Request an intro consultation to review health history and symptoms
  2. Get comprehensive lab testing if needed
  3. Review results to create a customized treatment plan
  4. Initiate HRT and follow-up to ensure optimal response
  5. Modify dosage or medications based on follow up labs
  6. Schedule maintenance checks and refills

Revive Hormones handles insurance claims, medication supplies, and pharmacy coordination for your convenience.

Supporting Your HRT Success

In addition to expert medical care, Revive Hormones offers information and ideas to maximize your results.

Access printable treatment guides plus advice on:

Follow on social media for wellness tips too!


Hormone replacement therapy can dramatically improve quality of life and long-term health when hormones become imbalanced due to aging or other factors. With personalized treatment plans and expert guidance, Revive Hormones in Lea County helps patients restore optimal hormone levels and realize the many benefits of balancing these vital chemical messengers. If you're experiencing symptoms of hormone decline, don't wait - take charge of your wellness and schedule a consultation today.

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